This in-depth Private Vatican Guided Tour skip any line with no hassle and goes beyond closed doors to give you a special comprehensive understanding of the vast and prestigious Vatican history, art-collections, green landscapes and secret corners.You will visit places that most of other visitors will never see and discover a crescendo of marvels and wonders that will tell you what human ingenuity has created across more than 30 centuries.

Take home a limited edition memory as a souvenir.


Admiring the many architectonic and artistic treasures of the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel and enjoying the tranquillity of the hidden natural and botanical beauty of the Vatican Gardens, first and most of all, is an intimate experience – more intimate than most first time visitors can imagine. The quiet, relaxed atmosphere of the Papal Gardens is perfect for taking all of that beauty in. There are no distractions and introduce perfectly all the other artistic marvel that will follow during the rest of the tour.

The tour begins with a fascinating journey through nature, art, faith, technology and history of the hidden green Papal Gardens which have been restricted and kept secret for centuries and which form half of the smallest country in the world: the Vatican.Comfortably seated on board of an eco-friendly panoramic open minibus, you will take a 45 minutes fascinating journey through As you comfortably admire and take pictures of the many architectonic treasures and natural beauty, an audio guide will aid through the tranquillity of the botanical treasures in the shadow of St. Peter’s Basilica


You will discover many works of art of an unforgettable architectural and artistic beauty immersed in the green landscape: The Italian Garden, the naturalistic English Garden, the flowery French Garden, the Rose Garden, the elegant Italian Renaissance estate Casina of Pius IV, the Palace of Governatorate, the Fountain of the Eagle, Medieval fortifications, The Grotto of Lourdes, the Monument of Our Lady of Fatima, small temples, villas, caves, fountains, towers, ancient walls, statues, archaeological finds set amid flower beds and topiary, green lawns, are only a part of the visited sites.

This exciting tour continues with a private guided stroll through the Vatican Museums  which are actually an immense treasure chest stuffed with objects of unimaginable value: Egyptian, Roman and Greek statues, paintings, tapestries, archeological finds, not to mention the greatest artists of the Renaissance such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael or Michelangelo.


Next, you will step inside the Sistine Chapel which is without doubt one of the greatest art treasures of all time and t's the last stop at the Vatican Museums.

This incredible voyage continues inside the highest temple of Christendom: St. Peter's Basilica (you'll skip the line here too!), to admire the Pieta and the imposing Dome from Michelangelo, the Tomb of St. Peter, Bernini's Baldacchino, view of Pope's Residence (outside), St Peter's Square with its magic prospectives.