The Congress will study this period by focusing on three important themes of the Second Vatican Council: Christ, Church, Man in addition to other minor themes. These three fundamental themes have been widely accepted as an integral part of the Pontiff's teaching and witness. John Paul II felt responsible for the teaching of the Council and wanted to be its continuation, first as Bishop of Krakow and then as Bishop of Rome.
This Congress will underline these important themes and how they were incorporated into John Paul II's teachings, pastoral programs, and in his local and universal pastoral work. Experts of international fame will initiate the discussion to stimulate and encourage the commitment of all Christians in today’s world.
These Council themes continue to illuminate life in the Church today and the world of men and women of our time. The presence of distinguished persons in the ecclesiastical and academic world, as well as representatives of other religions, will present the wide horizons of the Council, as characterized by the life of John Paul II at the beginning of the Second Millennium. His life, which was lived between "the new and the old", was a synthesis of traditional and new prospectives.
DAY 1 Thursday, October 30, 2008
Presides: His Eminence Cardinal Stanisław Ryłko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
“John Paul II and the new humanism”
Prof. George Weigel, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington D.C., USA
Round Table:
“A glance between past and future”
- Monsignor Sławomir Oder, Postulator of the Cause of Beatification for the Servant of God John Paul II
- Prof. Michael Waldstein, Professor of theology at the International Theological Institute in Gaming (Austria) and the Ave Maria University in Florida (USA)
- Prof. Ina Siviglia, Professor of anthropology at the Theological Faculty of Palermo
Prof. Zdzislaw Kijas OFM Conv., President of the Pontifical Theological Faculty “St. Bonaventure—Seraphicum”
DAY 2 Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Morning – 9:00am
Presides: His Eminence Card. Camillo Ruini, Vicar to His Holiness for the Diocese of Rome
“The Liturgical Reform and John Paul II”
Prof. Matias Augé CFM / His Excellency Monsignor Piero Marini, President of the Committee for the International Eucharistic Congresses
Round Table:
- “Ethics, Politics, and the human person”
Prof. Marco Cangiotti (University of Urbino)
- “The Church in the Pontificate of John Paul II”
Prof. Giovanni Iammarrone OFM Conv. (Pontifical Faculty St. Bonaventure-Seraphicum)
- “Fids et Ratio, Christianity and contemporary culture”
Prof. Massimo Borghesi (Pontifical Faculty St. Bonaventure-Seraphicum)
“Redemptoris Missio as the doctrinal framework for evangelisation in the contemporary world”
His Excellency Monsignor Angelo Amato, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Afternoon – 3:00 pm
Presides: Ms. Dr. Hanna Suchocka, Polish Ambassador for the Holy See
“The Church, the culture and the integral development of the person: from the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council to John Paul II”
His Eminence Cardinal Paul Poupard, President emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture, President emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue
New Horizons:
“Dignity and respect for life”
Prof. Andrzej Szostek MIC, University of Lublin
Dr. Bernd Posselt, Pan-Europe, Member of the European Parliament
DAY 3 Thursday, October 30, 2008
Presides: His Eminence Cardinal Stanisław Ryłko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
“John Paul II and the new humanism”
Prof. George Weigel, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington D.C., USA
Round Table:
“A glance between past and future”
- Monsignor Sławomir Oder, Postulator of the Cause of Beatification for the Servant of God John Paul II
- Prof. Michael Waldstein, Professor of theology at the International Theological Institute in Gaming (Austria) and the Ave Maria University in Florida (USA)
- Prof. Ina Siviglia, Professor of anthropology at the Theological Faculty of Palermo
Prof. Zdzislaw Kijas OFM